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[LION] BUFFERIN JR. COLD 36Tablets for AGE5-15

[LION] BUFFERIN JR. COLD 36Tablets for AGE5-15

[Ingredients] (in 12 tablets) Ingredients Quantity Acetaminophen ・・・ 600.0mg dl-methylephedrine hydrochloride ... 40.0mg Dihydrocodeine phosphate ... 16.0mg Potassium guaiacolsulfonate ... 160.0mg Chlorpheniramine maleate ... 4.8mg Anhydrous caffeine: 50.0mg * Additives include cellulose, hydroxypropylcellulose, magnesium stearate, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, ethylcellulose, macrogol, titanium oxide, silicic anhydride, sucrose, talc, calcium carbonate, gum arabic, gelatin, carnauba wax, shellac, and paraffin. do. [Dosage and dosage] Age: 1 dose 11 years old to under 15 years old: 4 tablets 7 to 11 years old: 3 tablets 5 to 7 years old: 2 tablets * Do not take under 5 years old Take this medicine 3 times a day, preferably within 30 minutes after each meal.
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